春望 Gazing at Spring |2024.12.7-12.22

Group Exhibition  | 春望 Gazing at Spring

The Terminal KYOTOにて12月7日より開催されるグループ展に参加させていただきます。

I will participate in a group exhibition at The Terminal KYOTO starting from December 7.


What did we feel when society was upended by the lockdown? In an uncertain world, we reflect on our small selves amidst the vast landscapes. This exhibition features works by Fang Wei (painting), UMA (performance), Chu Chu (installation), Tanigawa Mine (lacquer art), and Yamaguchi Ryotaro (ceramics). An essay by the curator, Kanazawa Kodama, who was living in Shanghai at the time, will also be on display.


Fang Wei, UMA, Chu Chu, Tanigawa Mine, Yamaguchi Ryotaro

Curator: 金澤 韻 Kanazawa Kodama

Project Manager:増井辰一郎 Masui Shinichiro


助成:京都府、京都市(京都府文化力チャレンジ補助事業、京都市「Arts Aid KYOTO」補助事業)


Organized by Code-a-Machine

Kyoto Prefecture “Culture Power Challenge” and Kyoto City “Arts Aid KYOTO” subsidized project

Supported by Wang Yi

The Terminal Kyoto

2024年12月7日(土)-22日(日)  December 7 (Sat.) – 22 (Sun.), 2024

9:30 – 18:00
会期中無休 Open everyday during the exhibition period

入場無料 Entrance free

ウェブサイト https://c-d-m.co/portfolio/gazing-at-spring/

オープニングレセプション 12月7日(土)18:30 – 20:30

Opening reception December 7 (Sat.) 18:30 – 20:30

キュレーター金澤韻によるクロージングトーク 12月22日(日)18:30

Closing talk by the curator Kanazawa Kodama  December 22 (Sun.) 18:30


〒600-8445 京都市下京区新町通仏光寺下ル岩戸山町424番地

TEL 075-344-2544


6-minute walk from Exit 6 of Kyoto City Subway ‘Shijo’ Station and 10-minute walk from Hankyu Line ‘Karasuma’ Station


UMA《在》(2014)雲南省でのパフォーマンスを記録した写真 The photograph documenting the performance in Yunnan Province © UMA